About CSAssess

CSAssess is a CSForAll:RPP project related to the NSF grant titled Seeding an Assessments Hub and Catalyzing a Community of Educators for Student Success in CS. The project entails exploratory research and development activities to (1) seed a sustainable technology hub (for and by teachers along with researchers and technologists) that push the boundaries on rich, innovative assessments organized by CS standards, grade, concepts, curriculum and other relevant criteria for intuitive use by teachers of all experience levels, (2) create a framework for helping make formative assessment a critical part of K-12 CS classroom practice, and (3) support professional development and a Community of Practice (CoP) for K-12 CS teachers in the US centered on a shared need for quality assessments and building CS teachers’ assessment capabilities. A strong interdisciplinary leadership team from Looking Glass Ventures, LLC (creator of an NSF-SBIR funded assessment authoring and delivery platform-‘Edfinity‘) and Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA), will collaborate with K-12 CS teachers, curriculum developers, the CSForAll community, and experts in the field to execute this vision.

This project is funded by the CSForAll program of the National Science Foundation (CNS #1943530).


Papers/Articles (from this project)

Workshops & PD Sessions (from this project)

Community Resources (from this project)

Other Links/Readings/Resources

Formative Classroom Assessment for Teachers (FCAT) PD

This project is funded by the CSForAll program of the National Science Foundation (CNS #1943530).

CSAssess Activities

[Capacity Building] Partnering with teachers to conduct workshops and PD aimed at building capacity among K-12 CS teachers to make formative assessments an integral part of their classroom practice

[CS Assessments Hub] Creation of a repository of K-12 CS assessments

Contributors/Collaborators/Creators: Shuchi Grover, Daniel Moix, Padmaja Bandaru, Kelly Powers, Vicky Sedgwick, Pauline Lake, Darci Santella, Derek Babb, David Petty, Danielle Bodine, Mobile CSP, Code.org, BJC, UTeach-CS, 

  • Over a 1000 assessments organized by curricula, standards (e.g. CSTA, for now), curricula, grades, and by user-created tags such as programming language (if applicable) have been aggregated, curated, organized and created on edfinity.com
  • Assessments are autogradable but go beyond multiple choice and multiple select to include Parson’s problems, matching column, Hotspot/point & click, subgoal labeling, and unit test code correctness (currently only for Python).
  • Creation of problems focusing on mi

[Research Activities] Conduct research on formative assessment in CS, student misconceptions, innovative assessment types, and teacher experiences

  • Develop and propose a framework for formative assessments in K-12 CS.
  • Present the K-12 CS formative assessment framework and innovative assessment ideas at research gatherings (SIGCSE 2021, Raspberry Pi Foundation Seminar Series)
  • Formative Classroom Assessment for Teachers in K-12 Computer Science (CSTA

Teacher PD Module

Formative Classroom Assessment for Teachers (FCAT) is a professional development workshop series was designed to deepen teachers’ understanding of how to adapt and use formative assessment in K-12 computer science classrooms. In this multi-part series, we present a synthesis of research and many examples, plus interactive activities to practice evaluating, adapting, and responding to assessment items. Examples cover content related to algorithms and programming, with examples across grades 3-12. 

These workshops were designed as professional development (PD) in-a-box — i.e., resources that can easily be used and adapted by others to facilitate high quality PD in their own regions and contexts. We recommend implementing as a series of four sessions of approximately 90 minutes each over the course of one month (e.g., weekly) or one semester (e.g., monthly):

  1. What/Why/How of Formative Assessment
  2. Quality Quizzes for Quick Feedback
  3. Tackling Misconceptions Through Formative Assessment
  4. Programming Project-based Assessment

Session Design

Each session includes direct instruction synthesizing research on assessment and guided practice with many examples of assessment items. Additionally, there are breakouts for practice of the target skills in small groups. Finally, there is suggested “homework” to apply the learning from each session and preview other resources. Subsequent sessions begin by reviewing this homework to provide some continuity across sessions.


  • Understand what, why, and how regarding formative assessment.
  • Expand types of formative assessment used, and understand the value of different types.
  • Evaluate assessment items using a framework or set of design features.
  • Identify common misconceptions and select items to diagnose learning.
  • Plan how to respond to assessment results.

Session Resources

1: What/Why/How of Formative Assessment


  • Understand what, why, and how regarding formative assessment.
  • Evaluate assessment items using a framework or set of design features.
  • Align assessment items to granular learning goals.




8 min

  • Welcome & Introductions (4 min)
  • Overview of Series and Session (4 min)

Presentation /
Direct Instruction

22 min

  • What, Why, and How of Formative Assessment (8 min)
  • Types of Formative Assessment (8 min)
  • Elements of Strong Formative Assessments (6 min)

Guided Practice

13 min

  • Four Examples of Aligning Granular Learning Goals to Assessment Items (11 min)
  • Standards –> Learning Goals (2 min)

Application /

32 min

  • Directions for Activities (2 min)
  • Activities in Small Group Breakouts (20 min)
  • Whole-group Share-out (10 min)


10 min

  • Reflect on Takeaways (5 min)
  • Share Homework Task (2 min)
  • Complete Feedback Survey (3 min)

2: Quality Quizzes for Quick Feedback


  • Expand types of formative assessment used (and understand the value of different types).
  • Select quiz-based assessment items for quick, quality measurement and feedback.
  • Evaluate assessment items using a framework or set of design features.





8 min

  • Welcome & Introductions (4 min)
  • Overview of Series and Session (4 min)

Session 1 Review

10 min

  • Recap Key Points from Session 1: What/Why/How (5 min)
  • Share Reflections from Homework & Last Session (5 min)

Presentation /
Direct Instruction

24 min

  • Types of Quick Quiz Assessment Items with Lots of Examples (24 min)
    • What is being assessed?
    • How is it being assessed?

Guided Practice

6 min

  • Two Examples of Designing New Items for the Same Learning Goals (6 min)

Application /

32 min

  • Directions for Activities (2 min)
  • Activities in Small Group Breakouts (20 min)
  • Whole-group Share-out (10 min)


10 min

  • Reflect on Takeaways (5 min)
  • Share Homework Task (2 min)
  • Complete Feedback Survey (3 min)

3: Tackling Misconceptions Through Formative Assessment


  • Identify common misconceptions and and student difficulties encountered by novice programmers.
  • Select items to diagnose learning.
  • Plan how and what follow-up pedagogical action to take to address the misconception based on assessment results.




8 min

  • Welcome & Introductions (4 min)
  • Overview of Series and Session (4 min)

Session 1 Review

10 min

  • Recap Key Points from Session 1: What/Why/How (5 min)
  • Share Reflections from Homework & Last Session (5 min)

Presentation /
Direct Instruction

24 min

  • Types of Quick Quiz Assessment Items with Lots of Examples (24 min)
    • What is being assessed?
    • How is it being assessed?

Guided Practice

6 min

  • Two Examples of Designing New Items for the Same Learning Goals (6 min)

Application /

32 min

  • Directions for Activities (2 min)
  • Activities in Small Group Breakouts (20 min)
  • Whole-group Share-out (10 min)


10 min

  • Reflect on Takeways (5 min)
  • Share Homework Task (2 min)
  • Complete Feedback Survey (3 min)

4: Programming Project-Based Formative Assessment
(Note : This session was not piloted along with other sessions)


  • Understanding what is similar and what is different between assessing as discussed in Sessions 1-3 and around programming projects.
  • Discussing pros and cons of programming project-based formative assessment
  • Examining strategies for formative assessment around programming projects




Shuchi Grover
Bryan Twarek
Shivram V


Padmaja Bandaru
Daniel Moix
Kelly Powers
Vicky Sedgwick
David Petty
Danielle Bodine

We’re also grateful for the participation of Mobile CSP (Pauline Lake & Jennifer Rosato), Code.org (Daniel Schneider), UTeachCS, Darci Santella, and other members of the CSForAll community.